Muscle pain sufferer Hal Taylorson says the dry needling procedure has relieved his muscle pain more than any other treatment to date. Sam Upshaw, The C-J
As a Buddhist, Hal Taylorson has an aversion to taking medication, but as a neck pain sufferer, he needed some relief.
He started getting dry needling treatments from a physical therapist as an alternative to medication.
The therapy involves inserting thin needles into muscles to ease pain and tension.
Basically, it’s for almost “any patient that has soft-tissue problems, so muscle sprains and strains, even chronic muscle pain,” said Jon Holland, a physical therapist at the University of Louisville Sports Medicine Clinic, part of KentuckyOne Health downtown.
“We also use it for joint problems if the joint problem is being driven by a muscle that’s not functioning properly,” he said.
Therapists target "trigger points" or irritable, hard "knots" within a muscle or connective tissue that may cause pain over a large area, according to an explainer for patients in the Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy last year. The trigger points are associated with tight muscle bands, and the pain can hinder daily activities and movement.
When a patient comes in for treatment, “we feel where muscles have trigger points or painful areas in them,” Holland said. “Then we put the needle in it and it causes a biochemical reaction that helps the muscle and the trigger point relax."
Taylorson, an interior designer with Chic Designs Interior and Exterior, developed neck pain after a car crash several years ago and has had spine surgery twice. He’s had a half-dozen dry needling treatments over the course of five weeks to soothe muscles in his neck area.
“I have seen a difference,” said Taylorson, who was treated by Holland earlier this week. “It does release a lot of the tension.”
Dry needling is usually done as part of a larger treatment plan that includes other therapies. "It’s a great adjunct to a lot of the interventions that we like to do with patients … and it's very safe," said Chad Garvey, a physical therapist with KORT (the Kentucky Orthopedic Rehab Team) Downtown.
Research on dry needling is limited and the findings have been mixed.
A 2001 systematic review in the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation found "direct needling of myofascial trigger points appears to be an effective treatment, but the hypothesis that needling therapies have efficacy beyond placebo is neither supported nor refuted by the evidence from clinical trials."
A 2010 article in the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine noted that dry needling's effectiveness has been confirmed in "numerous studies" and two comprehensive systematic reviews but that more research is needed.
A systematic review and meta-analysis published this year in the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation suggests that dry needling is effective for short- and medium-term relief of neck and shoulder pain.
Dry needling is often used with physical therapy patients who have “hit a plateau with their progress,” Garvey said. “We see a fair amount of folks with significant pain that has not responded to standardized treatments.”
Through the use of dry needling, "we want to try to break the pain cycle and the needle can help access the body’s own pain-relieving chemicals," Garvey said.
If successful, the therapy allows patients "to exercise and move better" after dry needling is performed.
A study in the Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy last year found dry needling seemed to be helpful for neck pain.
In that study, which involved 17 neck patients, half of them received dry needling and the other half got no treatment. The dry needling group reported decreased pain immediately after treatment and one week later. They also were better able to bend their heads forward and backward and to turn their heads toward the painful side of their necks.
Therapists may manipulate the needles using their fingers alone or with the aid of an electrical stimulator.
The needles vary in size, said Holland, displaying various lengths, from an inch and half long to 4 inches long.
“Some people don’t feel the needle going in at all," Holland said. "Some people do feel a little pressure when the needle goes in. ... Occasionally, you may get a drop of blood but not often.”
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Potential side-effects include soreness and less commonly, pain or light-headedness, Holland said. Sometimes, there also is a risk of severe problems, involving the lungs and large blood vessels, according to published literature.
But “the most common by far would be just soreness — like you’ve worked out," Holland said.
Some people confuse dry needling with acupuncture, but the therapies are different, physical therapists say.
Dry needling is “based on a western medicine model," Garvey said. "We only utilize dry needling for neuromusculoskeletal pain and impairments ... and we don’t do it in the guise of treating energy meridians and things that are within Chinese acupuncture medicine.”
Taylorson said he doesn’t feel pain during dry needling nor does he have lingering soreness from it.
“I would not consider it painful,” he said. At the end, “I feel relieved. The tension is gone. As long as I don’t stress the muscles afterwards, it lasts a nice time — several days.”
The number of treatments vary, Holland said.
“You get some results with one (treatment)," he said. "But, typically, we’ll do multiple treatments (such as six to nine)."
Check with your insurance company to see if it will cover the treatments.
The treatment may not be right for everyone. Those it might be inappropriate for include pregnant women, people with bleeding disorders and people who fear needles, Holland said.
If a patient has had surgery, they'd typically have to wait six to 12 weeks before starting dry needling, he said.
But for the right patient, it “gets good results," he said.
Courier-Journal reporter Darla Carter can be reached at (502) 582-7068 or