Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Chose one that 

Specializes in Dry Needling 

with Advance Training

By making your own decision as to your Physical Therapist then you are taking charge of you, as the most important member of your health care team

You are entitled to choose the most appropriate health care professional to meet your goals. 

You have that Freedom of Choice! 

You have the freedom to choose your own Physical Therapist

How does the dry needling method work: Mechanism of Action
it appears to allow the sarcomere to resume its resting length3 and activate inhibitory dorsal horn interneurons? This implies that DN causes opioid-mediated pain suppression and also blocks any incoming noxious stimulus into the dorsal horn by activating the serotonergic and noradrenergic descending inhibitory systems.4
In addition, the levels of two biochemical drop significantly following DN. There is a decrease in local concentrations of substance P and calcitonin gene–related peptide; this development may correlate with the systematic reduction of pain following deep DN.5

Furthermore, there are studies currently under way that are using multiple imaging techniques to visualize the cascade of physiologic changes that are possible with the introduction of filiform needles into an MTrPs.

Many of us have areas in our body that feel tense all the time or feel like a hard ball in the muscle.By inserting fine needles into these tight areas, we elicit a “twitch response” or a brief contraction followed by an immediate and long lasting relaxation. 

The needle can treat very deep parts of the muscle, the technique can achieve amazing pain relief that you never thought possible.
Muscular tightness and spasm can lead to compression and irritation of the nerves. When nerves are irritated, they cause a protective spasm of all the muscles to which they are connected. This contributes to the decreased mobility and pain in the area. 

I treat multiple orthopedic and neurological conditions helping patient achieve long-term benefits

I specialize in Dry Needling, an extremely effective technique that uses a very fine acupuncture needle to “deactivate” or “shut down” a trigger points or painful knotted areas in your muscles therapy to improve and maximize a patient’s performance and ability.  
Pain control
1.      Normalizes biochemical electrical dysfunction of motor end plates
2.      Reduces muscle tension Restores/increases motion and function
3.      Desensitizes super-sensitive structures

4.      Promotes healing response in tissue Accelerates return to active rehabilitation

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