Thursday, June 7, 2012

I am not going to hide the fact that I am going to use this site to provide the best of articles and information I find on the internet regarding Dry Needling.  I hope that this will provide a good collection of ideas and information on Dry Needling.    Thanks for reading.

Here is one example of what I experience from the sports area of Dry Needling :

Dry Needling for Tensor Fascia Latte TODAY!

posted at 6/7/2012 6:38 AM CDT
Posts: 6
First: 5/7/2012
Last: 6/7/2012
Well, its been 3 months without running...I have had PT now for the past several weeks..pain going nowhere! PT says I have "knots", several of them!!  Or sometimes called "Trigger Points" on my hip. Until they go down, pain won't go away.  He is trying to build up my strength in the meantime on my core area to help me when I can run again.  He says I'm a perfect candidate for dry needling & I am leaving in a few hours to try it!  Very nervous but I will try anything at this point.  I have had 2 ultra sound massages that usually leave me pretty sore since its directly on these knots so I'm pretty sure this isn't going to be a fun visit...Anyone else tried this & had success?? If it helps, I'll be sure to let you know so maybe I can help someone else who is going through same ordeal.  Good to have support groups here!!

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